Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dancing With the Snobs

Well, we didn't win. And that's ok, because my mommy and my mommy-in-law both said we were the best and most beautiful :)

Seriously, the competition was fun and although we were disappointed, it's not like it was for a million dollars or something. At least we did our best and didn't screw up! Plus, the winner was the owner of our dance studio, so, it's not like he isn't awesome and deserving...Yay, Paul!

Now, for the dirt...
Fabian Sanchez, World Mambo Champion, of whom I already was a fan, was the host of the tour this year, and is also a Fred Astaire studio owner. So, since he knew several of our group, he talked with us before the show, introduced us to Marlee Matlin, and gave us backstage passes to meet the stars afterward. We were so excited! It made the loss seem like no big deal- at least I got to meet Edyta!!

Well, after waiting for 45 minutes in the room we were escorted to, Fabian shows up and sheepishly informs us that everyone is already on the bus and will not be coming in to meet us!!! This was not his fault, I know, and he was so sweet to all of us and was obviously embarrassed.

I am trying not to have a bad attitude, but.. it isn't working!!!! Do they seriously think they are too important to spend 5 minutes with people who respect and admire them, who were willing to wait for nearly an hour just to see them? Not to mention the fact that they put their colleague in a position of embarrassment. Not ONE of them could be bothered to come shake a hand or take a picture??? I think maybe some people are getting too big for their britches.

I will still watch the show, but I will from now on vote for Fabian, no matter what!

I am waiting for pictures with me and Barry- I'll post them soon!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Stolen from Mary...

I got this list from Mary's blog and thought it was cool. Here are the directions: you must copy and paste the list below into your own post, and then make bold (and/or in a different color) all the things you have done. The things I have done are in green...

Here we go:
Started your own blog
Slept under the stars
Played in a band (as singer)
Visited Hawaii
Watched a meteor shower
Given more than you can afford to charity
Been to Disneyland/World
Climbed a mountain
Held a praying mantis
Sang a solo
Bungee jumped
Visited Paris
Watched a lightning storm at sea
Taught yourself an art from scratch
Adopted a child
Had food poisoning
Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
Seen the Mona Lisa in France
Slept on an overnight train
Had a pillow fight
Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
Built a snow fort
Held a lamb
Gone skinny dipping
Been to a Broadway show in NY
Ran a Marathon
Been in three states at once
Ridden in a gondola in Venice
Seen a total eclipse
Watched a sunrise or sunset
Hit a home run (does the backyard count??)
Been on a Cruise
Seen Niagra Falls in Person
Visited the birthplace of your Ancestors
Seen an Amish community
Taught yourself a new language
Had enough money to be truly satisfied
Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
Gone rock climbing
Seen Michelangelo’s David
Sung karaoke
Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
Visited Africa
Walked on a beach by moonlight
Been transported in an ambulance (I am glad to leave this one black!)
Had your portrait painted
Gone deep sea fishing
Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
Kissed in the rain
Played in the mud
Been to Grace Kelley’s grave in Monaco
Gone to a drive-in theater
Been in a movie
Visited the Great Wall of China
Started a business
Taken a martial arts class
Swam in the Mediterranean Sea
Visited Russia
Served at a soup kitchen
Sold Girl Scout cookies
Gone whale watching
Gotten flowers for no reason
Donated blood, platelets or plasma (I would if I could- I have thalessemia)
Gone sky diving
Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
Bounced a check
Saved a favorite childhood toy
Visited the Lincoln Memorial
Eaten Caviar
Pieced a quilt
Stood in Times Square
Toured the Everglades
Been fired from a job (laid off)
Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
Broken a bone
Been on a speeding motorcycle
Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Published a book (how about an article or two?)
Visited the Vatican
Bought a brand new car
Walked in Jerusalem
Had your picture in the newspaper
Read the entire Bible (maybe over the course of my life, but not as an adult)
Visited the White House
Killed and prepared my own meat
Had chickenpox
Saved someone’s life
Sat on a jury
Met someone famous
Joined a book club
Lost a loved one
Had a baby
Seen the Alamo in person
Swam in the Great Salt Lake
Been involved in a law suit
Owned a cell phone
Been stung by a bee

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Dalton Report

We have had a great week so far!

Saturday night I had a dinner party and we had a great time. Great food, good friends and dancing- a perfect evening!
On Monday, Mom came to visit and we loved hanging out with her!!
The snow was nice for the boys, even if we didn't get very much! They were out playing in it at 8am! We saw Bedtime Stories yesterday- I recommend it! It was very funny and family- friendly.
Tonight we competed for the Dancing With the Stars tour and we made it! Come see us next Tuesday at the Coliseum if you can! If you can't, I'll post pictures!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Dalton Report

I look a hot mess in this pic!
Hi, guys! First of all, Happy 29th Birthday to Mary! It's kind of weird how she used to be five years younger than me, but is somehow now 6 years younger...

This past weekend, we went to Monster Jam with Brandon and Holly and all the kids. It was a blast. Since we got tickets at different times, we weren't in the same section, so Barry and I took Leah, True and Cole and Brandon and Holly got Neal and Reese. The show wasn't quite as good as last year because there weren't as many big name trucks, and the floor didn't have as many jumps but still- cool!
Pray for True, he just told me his ear and head hurt!!! Pray for me...this could be Attack of the Earache Winter, Part 12...

Pray for Mrs. Bennett, my favorite substitute at school. Her husband just found out his cancer has returned for the third time.

Barry and I will be competing for Dancing With the Stars again! Next Wednesday is the semifinal round and then the big comp is at the Coliseum on Jan 27. Let's see if we can top last year's 4th place!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Dalton Report

Hey, everybody!! Everything's good here. I hope you guys are as happy as we are.
We have had so much fun this last few weeks! Here some favorite pictures.

me and B - New Year's Eve-Japanese restaurant with Ya and Matt

Ya and Matt
Brandon and I blew out our candles at our combined birthday dinner at
mom's (I think someone left off a few!!)

We took the kids to Discovery Place in Charlotte. True had fun with this contraption (?).

There was a hands-on circus exhibit there...

Reese did so great on this!!

Love this picture!!

Cole the Strong Man!!
True and I fried fish on the deck on Saturday...

Miss you guys!!

Where in the World Are You, Blogstalkers?

Movies I happen to love...

  • Dan in Real Life
  • Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • I Am David
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Moonstruck
  • No Country For Old Men
  • Ratatouille
  • The Count of Monte Cristo
  • The Usual Suspects
  • Waking Ned Devine
  • When Harry Met Sally
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people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

mom and me

mom and me