Monday, December 10, 2007

I just love this picture!!

This is my charming and fun-tastic nephew decorating his gingerbread house. I love you, Neal!

Happy Birthday to True!!!

He's finally five! To him, this is a major big deal. We had a skating party on Saturday, and everyone was very well- behaved and had lots of fun! True received wonderful gifts, including Transformers, art supplies, Spiderman race set and tap shoes...We missed you, if you couldn't make it!

Mom and Dad came on Sunday and we got to spend time with them! They came to our church where we had communion and I sang a solo while Barry played the guitar. After church we went to Liberty Tavern for a delicious lunch and back to our house for more presents. It was a super birthday!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

etch a sketch champ

Cole has recently revealed skills in etch-a-sketching (?). Check out his "Times Square"...

boys who cook

We teach them good manners, the finer points of chivalry, and instruct them on the lowering of toilet seats. They know how to run (properly) a load of laundry, scrub a bathroom, and fold sheets. In addition, my boys are being trained to cook! This past weekend they made spaghetti and apple crumb pie for Grandma Pam and Papa Barry. Sweet, smart, handsome, and can cook...your daughters may send in applications now but positions will not be filled until the year least!

The aprons they are wearing are ones I bought for them in Pisa, Italy- a must have accessory for creating Italian cuisine!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

backyard motorsports

Our neighbor let us borrow his nephew's dirtbike for the boys to try out. They loved it- especially Barry...

more random pics

Mary and I get things ready for her shower, Reese makes his famous crockpot chicken, the boys celebrate at Chilis, and Barry is ambushed.

Random Fun

What have we been up to, you ask?
Cole makes Tater Skins, boys share early morning breakfast, yard work gets done, and True holds down the fort!

Reese's Birthday

Here are some pictures from Reese's 8th birthday. It's almost time for True's party and I'm just posting these!!!!!

Happy Halloween!

Here are my ghouls! They were quite creepy. We went trick-or-treating with our neighbors, pictured. I loved doing True's makeup- I've missed doing special fx for theatre, and this was the first time I've done it since I left averett!


The boys went camping with Barry, Dad, Brandon, Leah, and Matt. They had a blast! They rode bikes, roasted marshmallows, the whole deal. I missed them, but I enjoyed the peace and quiet!

School Days

So, the school year started without a hitch (any major hitch, anyway!!) and the boys love their new schools. I didn't get a pic of Cole on his first day; I was too nervous about him boarding a bus for the first time, going to middle school for the first time, and attending public school for the first time! He's doing super, though. He just goes with the flow.

I love my new school, too. The students are typical middle schoolers, but the staff is fun and the school has a great, laid- back vibe. I can't complain (but, in the immortal words of Joe Walsh, sometimes I still do)!

did you think we forgot about you??

I wonder- are people checking in to our blog and getting disappointed or did you guys give up in August? Seriously, this has been a very busy fall so far, and the holidays are now almost here!
Everything is wondeful in High Point- the boys are healthy, we have super neighbors, and have found a great church where we have been visiting for a couple of months!
I hope we still have fans reading our blog!
I'll try to do better...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

We're Still Here!!

I know it's been a while since you had news from us, but we have had an eventful few weeks! After three bouts of stomach flu, one bike injury, two skateboard injuries, two beach trips, one broken dishwasher, one runaway dog, one broken air conditioner, two job interviews, ten resume drop-offs, thirty-three resume emails, and a partridge in a pear tree.... we are all settled in here in the Triad!!

I am thrilled to announce that I officially have a position at The Downtown Middle School of Winston-Salem. I am the Drama instuctor and I am excited and relieved. I was beginning to think the school year would start and I would remain unemployed. I've heard that Forsyth County is better to its employees than Guilford County, but maybe I'm just mad that GC never called me ;) Either way, I'm a proud employee of FC now! Thanks to my personal Prayer Team: Mom, Pam, and Mary, and of course, my Professional Worrier, Holly. Who needs a life coach with these gals around??
Seriously, praise God for our blessings and for always giving us what we truly need. He looks after our family!

Cole, Reese and True have made friends in the neighborhood and they are happy here. I miss and love everybody, but I'm proud to live in a city with five Targets:)
ps: This is a random picture of one of my strange, I mean uhh, creative, children. It has nothing to do with this post; I just thought it might make you smile...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Barry, I just wanted to tell you something, in front of the whole world. You make my heart happy and you are the only man in the world to me. Thank you for treating me like a princess...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Meet Neal & Leah

Neal & Leah are my nephew & niece and are two awesome little people! Neal is outgoing, loves to talk on the phone and gives great hugs. Leah is super smart, loves Shirley Temple, and is a beautiful ballerina.

Bachelorette party

Thanks to all my favorite girls! (And this guy...)

Where in the World Are You, Blogstalkers?

Movies I happen to love...

  • Dan in Real Life
  • Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • I Am David
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Moonstruck
  • No Country For Old Men
  • Ratatouille
  • The Count of Monte Cristo
  • The Usual Suspects
  • Waking Ned Devine
  • When Harry Met Sally
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people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

mom and me

mom and me