Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dalton Report

Hello, everyone! I hope you're all happy and healthy!

Here's all the news you can use...

This past week we were very busy! I feel like I have complained a lot the past few days, so even though this post will probably only be interesting to a grandparent, I will now tell all of the good things that happened to me this week.

Monday, I had my final leg treatment, which was the most painful yet because spider veins were treated near the surface. Anyhow, it's over now except for the bruising, so I'm so excited.

Tuesday, we went to Chuckie Cheese's and the boys had a lot of fun. We even came across a game which had 8 unused credits, so they played it on one token for about 20 minutes!

On Wednesday, the boys had dentist apppointments, which went ok. Reese has a couple of cavities to take care of, and was told he has soft teeth. Mom and I have soft teeth, and I hate hearing that he does, as well, because more cavities are probably in his future. Either way, he must get these filled in October. Cole has no cavities, but needs to have a baby tooth pulled which will not get out of the way for a permanent canine that is trying to come in! True had no cavities, no problems. Oh, to be 5!!!

On Thursday, we got together with my good friend, Carla, and her two children to see Charlotte's Web, the free summer movie. Of course I cried when Charlotte died, and when the babies were born and left Wilbur, and I tried to hide it but I was scared I might start snubbing from holding it in. I didn't want Carla to think I was a total nutcase crying at a kid's movie!! Besides that, it was a great day! They came over for lunch afterward and the kids played while we talked.

On Friday, Reese went to his friend's pool with their family and we took Cole and True to our favorite restaurant right now, Thai Bangkok. I tried a new dish, Massaman Curry, made with chicken, curry, coconut milk, peanuts, vegetables, YUMMY!!!!! Barry had a dish called Emperor in a Pot, which he liked but had too much going on for me! There were mussels (I hate just the name of that shellfish-yuck) shrimp, noodles, onion,, thanks.

Yesterday, we had a dance lesson which was fantastic and we finally finished our routines. Now we just have to polish them up! By the way, anyone who is interested in coming to see us at the competition, let me know- I can get tickets for either the Friday or Saturday night at around $30 a pop.

After the lesson, I went to lunch with my good friend, Elaine, at the Farmer's Market. The Moose Cafe is to be recommended! However, I question why the Moose is a mascot and motif at this restaurant where the emphasis is on everything NC!?!? I bought blackberries and a "juan canary" melon! It was so nice to have "girl time"! When I got home, it was back to "boy time", in full force!!! The boys put on a scooter, skateboard, and bike show for us in the driveway as we sat in our stadium chairs in the yard. They were very entertaining!! I made blackberry cobbler and we watched "Escape From Alcatraz" which Clint Eastwood. I love my "boy time", too!

Today, we will go to church and then to a Vietnamese restaurant with our friends, Nam and Jen from across the street. I have never had Vietnamese food, so I'm excited about something new!

In our poll report, you guys are definitely not cool with getting total honesty about your personalities!! Wonder what we're afraid of? Only one voter said yes! WHO ARE YOU?? Having a college named after you won the second poll, which was my vote, as well.

Have a wonderful day and come see us!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Feeling Better!

Ok, I know some of you are praying for me! Which is precisely why I posted my problem- awesome idea:) I woke up today and felt so much better! An email from my lawyer has shed light on some things, too. I know I have work to do, and I shall do it!!!
There are many, many people in this world with worse problems, with bigger challenges, with sadder hearts than mine... I need to count my blessings.
Thank you and keep praying. God is good.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Prayer Request

I usually have a rule against posting about a certain part of my life. That is because I do not want little eyes to see anything negative here that may cause them to suffer anymore than they already have.
However, I have a need for serious prayers, and I need help to get through a trying time of stress and anxiety. Some issues we've been dealing with for a long time are not showing signs of improvement, and my kids have turned to me for help.
My past way of dealing with these problems, with patience and carefully chosen words, is no longer enough. I am furious and I am in a fight for my children's well-being and happiness. Last weekend was very stressful and hurtful for the boys, and the emotional abuse they are suffering must stop.
I am feeling helpless.
I am desperate. Please pray for me. Please pray for them. Ask God to give me wisdom and give my precious babies comfort.
I know God will provide.
I know God is good.
I know He will carry me.
But I am a human, after all, and I am frustrated that I cannot see the light! I trust the light is there, but I'd love to know when it's going to show up!!
UPDATE: I received an email last night from my lawyer telling me that is hope. I have some options, after all. Keep praying!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dalton Report

Did you miss me? I knew you would...

We had so much fun at Mom's this week. We missed Barry, but loved hanging out with the Danvillites.

Ok, all the news you can use......

Last Sunday, we met someone famous at Steak and Shake- RICHARD PETTY! It was so cool. I'm not a Nascar fan (you're shocked), but come on- HE'S THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After True got his autograph, he said "Mom, I got Richard Petty's autograph!" Then, within earshot of the man, he says, "Who IS Richard Petty?" It was priceless, and it wasn't until Barry explained he was a star of the movie CARS that True was impressed!

Prayer Requests:

My uncle, Skip, had a health scare this past week, but our family is now breathing a sigh of relief. We were uncertain for a few days about the condition of his heart, but the catherization (sp?) showed minimal blockage in only one artery. Praise God!

Pray for my sister-in-law, Carrie. She has been told she has until the end of July to find another job due to downsizing.

Praise God for my principal approving my schedule change- I will no work 8-1:20 instead of my old 9-2:05, which allows me to be home an hour before True and Reese get off the school bus!!!

Pray for my friend whose divorce was just finalized and who is heartbroken for her kids. She is struggling to press onward and I know firsthand how impossible that seems sometimes in broken homes. She needs your prayers for strength and peace.

There are two poll questions this week! (you're welcome!) If you have an idea for my poll question, email it to me! By the way, cleaning the bathroom should have won last week, in my opinion! Mopping isn't that bad!! Who are my girls who voted bathroom cleaning into the tie with mopping??!! You must have a bunch of boys using your bathrooms, too, whoever you are, and you share my pain!!

Come see us!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Dalton Report

Hey, everybody! Hope you're doing great.
Well, we have big news! Barry has decided (at the urging of his boss and colleagues) to pursue his Electrical Engineering degree! He enjoys what he does now, but is being encouraged to receive his degree so that he will a. have better job security as an engineer and b. be able to take on projects at work in a different, more challenging capacity. I am very proud of him! He will start next month, part-time, so pray for him as he prepares for his new adventure!
Ok, what else is going on? The boys had a check- up yesterday with their new pediatrician, Dr. Lentz. He's cool, very funny, and didn't talk to me with one foot out the door! Amazing! Also, when I call his office, I actually get to talk to a human. The doctor said they are in great health, yet diagnosed all three with Chronic Spoiledness...
I had my second treatment for the varicose veins in my legs. I can't remember if I posted about this before, and I didn't mean not to, it's no secret. Maybe someone reading this has the same problem, so I will tell you the truth...the treatments hurt, but the pain only lasts the first day, then it's soreness for another day, and back to normal! I watched him inject the vein with solution and POOF! It collapses right then and there. Awesome-especially when you have suffered with the pain and embarrassment of varicose veins for a while. I have one more quick treatment for my left leg and I'm done. I have bruising that will fade, as it did after the last treatment. Insurance has covered this since it was giving me Restless Legs Syndrome and chronic pain and swelling, and my right leg was at risk for clots.
The boys and I will be traveling to Danville to hang out with Mom and Dad and attend Mt. Hermon's VBS next week. I look forward to having time with my parents and I'm glad the boys will get to see their old church friends.
Alright, that's enough. I need to go get more coffee!
Much love!
Enjoy Reese's blues solo at his guitar will have to pause my music player and then turn the volume way up on the video, it's very quiet.

Friday, July 11, 2008

More Vacation Pics (and a Movie!)

River Battle at Dollywood

Cup O' Boys
Trail to Cataract Falls

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Vacation Pics, As Promised

a very unhealthy lunch at Dollywood!!
True and some random child enjoying Nascar Park's roller coaster...

Caramel apples in Gatlinburg
Barry and I on the Sky Lift (I hate this picture of me, but I posted it because we had so much fun and it was on a "date"- thanks, Angie, Mom and Dad!!!)
Ok, I usually hate pictures of myself, but Cole took this one, and I actually like it! Reese racing GoKarts

All boys love cars!

More to come...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Howdy, Y'all!

OgleDog Picnic (if you have never had one, these are the best corn dogs in the free world)

Cole racing Go-Karts
holding horseshoe crabs at Ripley's Aquarium
Picnic with Grandma Pam's ham biscuits and Momommy's chicken salad...yummy!!
Monster truck ride- awesome!!!!!

Howdy, Y'all!!!

Sorry, I just got back from Tennessee. I meant, "Hey, Y'all!". Not much different, I know. Anyway, we had a blast on vacation. I have some pictures here to share with you, and I will try to post some every day so that I don't have to sit for a monstrously long upload!

Now, here comes a story that will sound like it came from Mary's blog, but it's all mine, I promise. What can I say, North Carolina's wilderness is just a dangerous, untamed place...

When we got back from vacation, we had a horrible garden situation! Weeds had taken over, and we all trekked down to the backyard last night to take care of it.

Well, first of all, we couldn't tell the weeds from the watermelon plants, or clearly identify the baby pepper plants due to the out of control atmosphere. Then, remember the baby frogs I told you about? Apparently, they like the garden more than the ivy because guess where they now live? So, we tried to weed without pulling up actual plants or stepping on one-centimeter long frogs, when I pulled up a root and saw, there in my hand, a black widow on the dirt clump. I have never seen a black widow outside of a wood pile or a garage, and was very surprised to have found it underground! I showed it to Barry (calm down, I had dropped it by this point!) and he confirmed it was, indeed, a black widow. So, he scooped it up with a garden tool to carry 10 feet to the creek behind us. Meanwhile, Cole reminded me that spiders aren't usually found alone, and that it was probably underground to make a nest for her babies (children should be seen and not heard). I continued to pull weeds, telling myself that I would surely see another spider if it appears before it is too late, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in my right hand. I screamed as my life flashed before me. Why hadn't I worn gardening gloves like other people do? Why hadn't I stopped digging after the ominous first spider was apprehended?! Why had I, a newly minted City Girl, wanted this stupid, 5x5 foot garden in the first place?!?! I was snapped out of it by a yellow jacket buzzing in my face, the culprit for the pain in my hand.

Meanwhile, back at the creek, Barry heard me scream and feared the worst. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his left leg, and immediately assumed it was the black widow he was still carrying to the creek. Then he looked down, saw the spider had fallen as he jerked, and didn't know where it was. He then saw the yellow jacket crawling on his leg that had just attacked him. That's right, a yellow jacket nest was in the garden, too! We all ran screaming from the scene (OK, Barry didn't scream...), but not before Cole and Reese got stung, also. 20 minutes later, as I was passing out ice, we saw that one yellow jacket had followed Barry into the house and was perched on his shirt. We rolled it up and over his head and threw it outside on the deck.

Final count: Barry- 3 stings, April-2 stings, Cole & Reese- 1 each

Needless to say, we still have a very weedy garden. But hey, I did see two cucumbers down there!!

Wanna go get them for me ...?!

Where in the World Are You, Blogstalkers?

Movies I happen to love...

  • Dan in Real Life
  • Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • I Am David
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Moonstruck
  • No Country For Old Men
  • Ratatouille
  • The Count of Monte Cristo
  • The Usual Suspects
  • Waking Ned Devine
  • When Harry Met Sally
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mom and me

mom and me